October 6, 2024


  • Balancing priorities in the US

    - Sep 21, 2020
    The directions we take, the decisions we make, are interrelated and are bounded by the discipline of resource (or money – specifically, taxes): we cannot do everything we might want to do – we live in...
  • Fixing the environment

    - Sep 20, 2020
    Crunchicrant seeks to be non partisan: but it struggles with lack of concern for the environment. It seems pretty straightforward: The decision we have, as a world, to make: should we try to reverse global warming?...
  • A helping hand in early education

    - Sep 19, 2020
    Crunchicrant principles provide free lunches to no one: but see benefit, for everyone, from providing foot and handholds for those willing to drag themselves, or the next generation in their family, up. The most obvious way...
  • Taxes: what is fair?

    - Sep 19, 2020
    The US federal tax system is not a progressive tax system. The following chart sets out the marginal tax rate a family pays for each incremental dollar of income it receives: Important to remember that two...
  • How federal government spends

    - Sep 14, 2020
    Can we make cost savings to ‘balance’ the federal budget? Yes we can (we can do anything we have the political will to do) and we should try to find savings wherever we can. The deficit...
  • The World: what should the US be doing?

    - Sep 11, 2020
    The US has been the indispensable global leader, with a formidable (and expensive) military. We seem to have been retreating from that role. What is our foreign and defense/security strategy? We need to decide, and to...
  • Social programs – how to fix them

    - Sep 10, 2020
    We face demographic headwinds which suppress growth and strain Social Security and Medicare. We need to decide upon a Social Security and Medicare schedule of benefits that we want, as a society, to provide for our...
  • Healthcare market – how to fix it

    - Sep 10, 2020
    The healthcare market is a mess of protections, government interventions & regulation and market information imbalance and oddities, which conspire to make it dysfunctional. This is, irretrievably, a heavily regulated market and it is, incontrovertibly, not...
  • Keeping us safe – the defense of the US

    - Sep 10, 2020
    The US spends more on defense than the next 9 biggest spenders, combined (and 6 of the 9, formal allies of the US). Why? The question can only properly be answered in the context of a...
  • Environment – to fix or not to fix?

    - Sep 10, 2020
    The environment and our physical infrastructure is under pressure: the reality/cause of global warming is disputed, but rationally we need to act – do what we can to accelerate technologies which will replace the burning...